Wednesday, April 8, 2009

An Emerging Technology who has the Potention to Replace Existant Tools

Organic Light-Emitting Diode is an emerging technology which has great potential into replacing actual electronic and lighting devices. Indeed, this technology can replace existing displays such as LCDs with organic light-emitting displays (OLEDs). The electronic industry uses the OLED technology to produce other types of displays such as transparent and top-emitting OLEDs (TOLEDs), Flexible OLEDs (FOLEDs), and others. This technology is not only limited to computer displays, but can also be applied to television screens and cell phones. This emerging technology can also compete with the lighting industry by introducing the white OLEDs. At last, not only it can replace existing communication and electronic devices, this technology may also prompt the development of news products such as office windows or electronic roll up newspaper!

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